Thursday, July 5, 2012

Social Skills

The first thing you need to do is Keep it 100....if you dont know for sure what that is....refer to this post Keeping it 100. 

Communication is the act of sending and receiving information.

  1. The first thing you need to do is ask yourself. "What am I really trying to accomplish here?"
  2. You need to have non-attachment to your pre-supposed results. 
  3. You need to be present-minded. Some people call this "metacognition" or "observing ego". 
  4. You need to have thorough data collection and understanding of that data through some type of measurement using tools or concepts.
  5. You need to understand how to setup conversations that help people make decisions most conducive to your needs. 
  6. You need to create scenarios that have pre-supposed choices that are not based on "yes or no" answers. 
  7. You need to be able to comfortably and fully face the fact that games could be played in this specific altercation. 
  8. Dont forget the beauty of how to deal with people. To the degree that you are attractive, flexible, adaptable, tolerant, and will succeed. 
  9. The key here is non-attachment to results, be prepared, take action, and be ok with whatever happens. 

  1. Opener to the communication (explore, safety)
  2. Keep their interest
  3. Closer to the communication (explore, safety)

  1. Commend
  2. Recommend
  3. Commend
  4. aka "crap sandwich"
  5. Use this when you are trying to ask for something, and recognize when people are using it on you.
All Communication flows from 
  1. Instinct
  2. Emotions
  3. Logic
  4. Understand this flow, because this is how people on Earth think. Everyone will react with instinct first.....unless you pose no threat. 
Stimulate senses with emotional connections 
  • Display confidence
  • Ability to face fears
  • Ability to "own space"
  • Ability and willingness to face what you do not understand
  • Display curiosity
  • Display ability to be a source of energy (charisma) 
Teach people how to treat you
  • Higher responsibility leads to higher intelligence
  • Only communicate when you so choose to....never feel like you "have to"
  • Don't argue with rhetoric...learn how to use it...but don't argue with it. It's just a tool of persuasion.
  • Listen attentively
  • Be patient
  • Avoid criticism
  • Use positive reinforcement instead of negative condemnation
  • Synch with the target
  • Understand when to do a state change and/or broken rhythm
  • Solidify new rhythm and control
  • Establish a sense of familiarity and/or act equivalent
 These equal the evidence that you need to understand potential patterns or predictability. 

 Investigation of Communication
  • Intensity
  • Frequency
  • Duration

  • Manipulation
  • Coercion
  • Redirection of attention
  • Salami slicing or method
  • Scarcity
  • Brainwashing

 Some of the processes you need to go through
  • Ask yourself why they are saying what they are saying
  • What is their true intent?
  • Tune into their desires
  • Educate with care when they're wrong or make a mistake
  • Proper positioning, rank, or grandeur
  • Understanding of gestures
  • Understanding of mannerism
  • Understanding of eye disposition
  • Understanding of rhythm and cadence
  • Understanding the distance of mass relative to their body (Closer = more important)

This will help to understand what is really real. You will know how to communicate better when you know what is really real. It is important to know how a person normally acts and moves based on a known truth. This will identify how an entity really is. Once you know how an entity really acts based on a known truth, you will know how to interpret other information that is not congruent with those known truths. The key here is to watch patterns over long periods of time and to be able to tell the difference between "now", "before", and "later". If you can master this technique, you will be able to see the truth about matter the type of entity. This is the essence of intelligence...and is not limited to just homo-sapiens.


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